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The Untold Benefits of Oil Field Internal Pipe Coatings

The operational costs of an oilfield account for a large portion of the overall costs, and any measures that can minimize these costs can have a significant impact on profitability. One such cost-saving measure is the implementation of internal pipe coatings in oil fields. In this blog post, we discuss the various benefits of internal pipe coatings, and how they enhance pipeline performance and lower operating costs.

1. Corrosion Protection

The first and most obvious benefit of internal pipe coatings is that they protect the pipelines from corrosion. The internal pipe coatings are typically engineered to provide a long-lasting barrier against corrosive substances such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), and other acids. By preventing the internal corrosion of the pipelines, there is a reduced risk of pipeline failure, which in turn mitigates environmental contamination risks. Corrosion protection also helps to prolong the lifespan of the pipelines, thereby reducing replacement costs.

2. Improved Flow Properties

Another notable benefit of internal pipe coatings is that they help to improve the flow properties of the oil and gas. The smooth surface of the coated pipes reduces turbulence, friction, and drag, thereby helping to facilitate the flow of oil and gas more efficiently. This increased efficiency leads to a reduction in the energy required to transport the oil and gas, translating to decreased pumping costs and overall operational costs.

3. Enhanced Pipeline Performance

Internal pipe coatings not only protect the pipelines from corrosion and improve flow properties but also enhance pipeline performance. By reducing the friction and turbulence within the pipeline, the coatings can help to reduce the risk of pipeline blockages that often occur due to crude oil deposits, debris, or scaling. Additionally, internal pipe coatings can help to reduce the rate of pressure drop that occurs due to the accumulation of deposits. As a result, systems operate more efficiently and reliably, leading to lower maintenance costs and downtime.

4. Extended Pipeline Lifespan

Internal pipe coatings help to prevent the corrosion of pipelines, which is the primary cause of pipe failure and the need for replacement. This reduced likelihood of pipeline failure and the need for replacement helps to keep replacement costs and downtime to a minimum, thereby increasing the profitability of the oilfield. Also, given that internal coatings are designed to last for years, the implementation of internal pipe coatings helps to extend the lifespan of the pipelines.

5. Reduced Environmental Risks

Oil spills have a severe impact on the environment, and it is critical to prevent potential spills from occurring. One of the significant causes of pipeline failure is corrosion, which can lead to the pipeline’s rupture and release of hazardous materials into the environment. The implementation of internal pipe coatings helps to prevent corrosion, resulting in a lower likelihood of pipeline failure and environmental contamination events.

For more information on internal pipe coating, contact a professional near you.