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Things To Think About When Choosing Grinding Wheels

When your machine shop is in need of more durable grinding wheels, you might be thinking about investing in diamond grinding wheels. When it comes to diamond grinding wheels, there are a lot of things that you need to consider to be sure that you are getting the right parts for the projects that you are working on. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to think about when you're choosing the diamond grinding wheels for your facility.

The Materials In Question

The first thing you need to think about is what types of materials you will be working with. For example, the harder the metal that you'll be grinding, the stronger the grinding wheel you'll need.

For steel and other hard metals, you should look for a synthetic diamond blade. These are the strongest grinding blades and will be the most effective. When you're grinding softer metals, you can opt for a zirconia-diamond grinding wheel blend. These grinding wheels will be effective without causing unnecessary damage to the metal.

The Rotation Speed Ratings

Every grinding wheel is made for specific rotation speeds. Make sure you know what rotation speeds your machines operate at so that you can find grinding wheels that are designed for those speeds.

If you put a grinding wheel into the machine and the wheel is designed for slower rotation, it could damage the grinding wheel and potentially damage the raw materials. When the wheel rotates too fast, it can cause the binding of the wheel to come apart, resulting in fragments and debris flying from the machine.

The Type Of Grinding You Need

Choosing the right grinding wheels also means considering the type of grinding you'll need to do. Precision grinding work requires wet grinding wheels. You can't use dry grinding wheels in a wet grinding environment, or vice-versa. General grinding work can be done with dry wheels in most cases, but make sure you know which one you need before you invest in parts.

The Amount Of Material You Need To Have Removed

Finally, consider how much material you need to have removed from the surfaces of the metal. When you're dealing with material that will need a lot of grinding, coarse grinding wheels are for the best. Opting for coarse grinding wheels will help ensure that more material is removed per pass, where finer grinding wheels will remove less material and provide more polishing and finish work than actual removal.

For more information about grinding wheels such as CBN wheels, contact a grinding wheel supplier.